Evan Martin (evan) wrote in evan_tech,
Evan Martin

gmail hoax / mail ramble

I was thinking today: Google announced gmail on April Fool's day. Wouldn't it be funny if the service didn't actually work (as in: they made the whole thing just run on a fast PC with a small ~500gb-ish RAID, limiting the userbase so the underpowered machine wouldn't be discovered), just to force their competitors to promise ridiculous amounts of disk space for their mail services?

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. But I still have my fingers crossed.

Chain of thoughts, with mail still on my mind: I only have 164mb of mail, but I delete old messages because otherwise my mailboxes are too slow. Apparently, even djb doesn't recommend using maildir in a MUA. jwz's mail summarization rant came up on the Pan list (because they've been using a database backend). I think the only MUAs that do summarization are pine and evolution (and I suppose old Mozillas) and I don't much want to use those.

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