Here's an example illustrating one of my favorite ways this works out. In the game Diplomacy you refer to place names, like "St Petersburg", by using short three-letter identifiers for those place names ("stp"). The rules for shortening are pretty intuitive (that example ought to suffice). Let's write a function that maps long place names to short ones.
One piece is lowercasing a string, which we can call
. Strings are lists of characters, so you can use map
to apply the character function toLower
to each letter in the string:lowercase str = map toLower str
This is old hat. Here's the new part: (simplifying a bit,) by leaving out an argument, you leave a "hole" that can be filled in by an argument that can be supplied later. Here's an equivalent definition of
:lowercase = map toLower
You can look at that as saying "the operation of lowercasing something is just mapping toLower over it". This just looks like a cute trick, but bear with me.
Now consider removing spaces from a string. There's a standard function "filter" that filters out all elements from a list that pass a test. Not-equals is written as
(think like in math), and is a function that takes two arguments; using the previous trick, we write (/= ' ')
to get a function that takes one argument: this new function returns true if its argument is not a space. So then we can define, again following the lowercase
pattern:withoutSpaces = filter (/= ' ')
"removing spaces is defined as filtering out everything that isn't a space".
Finally, there's a standard function called
: take 3 list
gives you the first 3 elements of list
.So the final function applies each of these in a row.
Here's one more piece: function composition is written with a period, again simulating the circle operator in math:
So here's a nice final version of the function (and legal Haskell code):
shorten = take 3 . withoutSpaces . lowercase where withoutSpaces = filter (/= ' ') lowercase = map toLower
There are two primary reasons I like this:
- The code is quite succinct and readable directly, and not because of any cute naming tricks. "Shortening is taking 3 characters, removing spaces, and lowercasing. Removing spaces is keeping everything that's not a space; lowercasing is lowercasing each character." There are no regular expressions, list subscripts, blocks, and even:
- there are no variables. This problem has been lifted from an operation over characters and strings to the higher level of an operation over functions.